조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea Paper Money INDEX

Printed Money INDEX, 1945 >



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Supreme Leader:

KIM, Jong-Un
11.12.2011 >

Ch. Standing Comm.:

CHOE, Ryong Hae
11.4.2019 >

PAK, Thae-song
29.12.2024 >

조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KOREA(North) Banknotes, 1945 >

조선 민주주의 인민 공화국
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea

History: 1393 Chosen Kingdom; 1910 JPN; 1945-48 RUS;  PRK 8.9.1948
Currency History: KRA currency 1893-1910; JPN currency 1910; PRK 6.12.1947 >
The first banknotes attritutable to North Korea were issued in 1945
1,000 KPW North Korean Won=
$7.40USD US Dollars 12.25.2023

Current Issues

 Currency Exchange 
57 P.57 - P.66 5 - 500 Won 2002-08 Korean Central Bank
67 P.67 5,000 Won 2013 Korean Central Bank

All Issues
  Page- Catalog Numbers Denominations Dates Issuing Authority


RUS occupation 26.8.1945 - 9.9.1948
NORTH KOREA Paper Money, 1945 1 P.1 - P.4 1 - 100 Won 1945 Russian Army Headquarters
NORTH KOREA Paper Money, 1947 5 P.5 - P.11 15 Chon - 100 Won 1947 North Korea Central Bank

조선 민주주의 인민 공화국
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea

NORTH KOREA Paper Money, 1959 12 P.12 - P.17 50 Chon - 100 Won 1959 Korean Central Bank
NORTH KOREA Paper Money, 1978 18 P.18 - P.22 1 - 100 Won 1978 Korean Central Bank

Foreign Exchange Certificates

NORTH KOREA Paper Money, 1988 23 P.23 - P.30 1 Chon - 50 Won 1988 의화와바꾼돈표
Capitalist Visitor Issues
31 P.31 - P.38 1 Chon - 50 Won 1988 의화와바꾼돈표
Socialists Visitor Issues 47A

Regular Issues

39 P.39 - P.44 1 - 500 Won 1992, 98 Korean Central Bank
45 P.45 - P.46 1,000 - 5,000 Won 2002 Korean Central Bank

60 Anniversary of Liberation

47A P.47A- P.47D 500 - 5,000 Won 2005 Korean Central Bank

Regular Issues

47 P.47 - P.56 200 - 5,000 Won 2002-07 Korean Central Bank
57 P.57 - P.66 5 - 500 Won 2002-08 Korean Central Bank
67 P.67 5,000 Won 2013 Korean Central Bank
When Issued New P.New ? ? Korean Central Bank

Collector Series

CS1 P.CS1 - P.CS2 1 - 100 Won 1978, 92 Korean Central Bank
CS3 P.CS3 - P.CS8 1 - 50 Won 2000 Korean Central Bank
CS9 P.CS9 - P.CS22  5 - 5,000 Won 2002-19 Korean Central Bank

Saving Bond Issues

N450 P.UNL, N.450-N451 500 Won 1986 조선민주주의민민곧호뺨국
Democratic People of Korea
P901 P.901-P.904 5,000 - 100,000 Won 2003 조선민주주의민민곧호뺨국
Democratic People of Korea

No Website The Central Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
North Korea - Wikipedia
NORTH KOREA World Statesmen - North Korea


CIA World Factbook - North Korea

MF   We gratefully acknowledge Book Dealer and DPRK specialist MF for many rare images he provided throughout this section.

MF can also provide the North Korea banknote book shown below.

A new catalog on North Korean banknotes has just been published. The dealer, Massimiliano Fadda indicated that this is the only catalog of DPRK banknotes that has been authorized by the North Korean gouvernment.

The catalog will be shipped from Beijing with postal tracking. To order this new catalog scan the Facebook or Instagram QR codes to be taken to the ordering links.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/north_korea_numis?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
