December 3, 1998
Arthur C. Matz
3304 Milford Mill Road
Baltimore, MD
Dear Arthur,
Per your letter of November 20, 1998, I am sending the following
information regarding the 10 and 20 N.S. banknotes in my
10 N.S.
1.2.91 10 N.S. AB, YA (I have tried and
tried to get an AA!)
10.9.92 10 N.S. AD, AE, AF, YA (I have
tried to get an AC!)
16.6.94 10 N.S. AG, AH, AI,
20.4.95 10 N.S. AJ, AK, AL, AM, YA
25.4.96 10 N.S.
AN, Ap, AQ, AR, AS, AT (I have been unable to confirm whether or not
AO has been issued. It is the old matter of AI and AO not
being printed because the letters might be confused with the numbers
of 1 and 0 in the serial numbers. However, if this has been a
true concern by the issuing authorities there have certainly been a
lot of exceptions, such as the 16.6.94 10 N.S. AI banknote
20 N.S.
1.2.91 20 N.S. AA, AB, YA
25.6.92 20 N.S. AC, AD, AE,
16.6.94 20 N.S. AF, AG, AH, YA
20.4.95 20 N.S. AI,
25.4.96 20 N.S. AK, AL, AM
I have a strong preference not to sell my extras as they may
be used for leverage in acquiring the banknotes that I need.
Ernest J. Montgomery
1216 Minnesota
Natrona Heights, PA