Bechuanaland Protectorate

Formed on 31 March 1885 the Bechuanaland Protectorate gained its independence from the UK as the Republic of Botswana on 30 September 1966. Bechuanaland used the Great Britain Pound Sterling as its currency from 1920-61 and the South African Rand from 1961-66.

No official banknotes were issued for the Bechuanaland Protectorate. The note above is an unofficial ESSAY or FANTASY issue. It depicts Kgosi (King) Seretse Khama, Lady Ruth Williams Khama and their four children.

Seretse Khama was the rightful heir to the Bechuanaland throne but he complicated his succession while he was studying in Britain by marrying Ruth Williams, a white British woman. As a result his uncle Tshekedi Khama who was the acting chieftain (King) refused to allow Seretse Khama to accede to the throne.

Seretse Khama and Lady Ruth were exiled in Britain by the British government but were eventually allowed  to return after Seretse confronted the British Administration with false reports about his competence to lead his nation. There were also looming issues with poaching companies mining on their land. 

Sir Seretse Khama returned to lead his country into independence as the Republic of Botswana and served as Prime Minister from 3.3.1965 - 30.9.1965, then as President from 30.9.1965 - 13.7.1980, when he died at age 59. Lady Ruth Williams Khama died on 22.5.2002 at the age of 78.

On 1.4.2008 their son Seretse Khama Ian Khama became the President of Botswana and continues to serve in that post today.  For current issues see Botswana         1.1.2018